運送安排 Delivery Methods


  • 香港標準配送服務
  • 香港順豐自助櫃/順豐站自取服務 -  順豐到付 (Freight Collect)
  • 香港順豐送貨上門


  • 標準配送服務地區包括香港島、九龍、新界、離島及澳門特別行政區。指定地區不設配送服務,包括但不限於︰大浪灣、羅湖、大澳、小蠔灣、蒲台島。
  • 請勿以郵政信箱作為送貨地址。
  • 每份訂單只限送往一個地址。如要將貨品配送不同地址,請按不同地址分開下單。


  • 確認付款成功後,一般訂單需時 1-2 個工作天處理及寄出,視貨存而定。
  • 於正常情況下,標準配送服務於2-3 個工作天內送抵收貨地址。香港特別行政區偏遠地區的訂單,額外需時3至4個工作天送達。
  • 星期日及公眾假期不提供送貨服務。


  • 客人可於結帳時選擇指定的 順豐自助櫃自取貨品。
  • 請重覆確認所輸入的香港特別行政區電話號碼 (+852) 可以接收香港特別行政區文字短訊 (SMS)。
  • 確認付款成功後,一般訂單需時1-2個工作天處理及寄出,視貨存而定。
  • 貨品寄出後,一般於2-3個工作天便可送抵指定的 順豐自助櫃,收件人電話號碼會收到由順豐速運發出的取件密碼短訊。
  • 顧客可前往指定自助櫃,輸入密碼以提取貨品。
  • 請於收到短訊後24小時內提取貨品。有關逾期未取貨品之安排,請致電順豐速運客戶服務熱線 2730 0273查詢。





如有存貨會於當日發貨 。但不排除運送時間會因週末及公眾假期或天氣狀況而有所影響。




We provide the following delivery services:

Hong Kong Standard Delivery Service
Hong Kong SF Self-service Counter / SF Station Self-pickup Service - Freight Collect
Hong Kong SF Door-to-Door Delivery

Standard Delivery Service (Hong Kong, SAR of China only)

Areas in service

  • Standard Delivery Service is available within Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, New Territories, Outlying Islands and Macau, SAR of China. This service is NOT available in specified areas, including but not limited to: Big Wave Bay, Lo Wu, Tai O Island, Siu Ho Wan and Po Toi Islands.
  • P.O Box is not accepted as shipping address.
  • Orders will be delivered to the address provided by customer when placing their order. An order can be delivered to one address only. If customer requires sending orders to multiple addresses, customer needs to place a separate order for each address.

Shipping days and schedules

  • The shipment will be ready in 1-2 business days upon confirmation of payment. This might vary depending on stock availability.
  • Under normal circumstances, shipment will arrive at the shipping address in 2-3 business days. For remote areas, it might take 3-4 business days.
  • Delivery service is not available on Sundays and Public Holidays.

SF Express Lockers (Hong Kong, SAR of China only)

  • Orders can be delivered to SF Express Lockers selected by customer at checkout.
  • The Hong Kong, SAR of China phone number entered should be able to receive SMS notifications.
  • The shipment will be ready in 1-2 business days upon confirmation of payment. This might vary depending on stock availability.
  • Under normal circumstances, shipment will arrive at the shipping address in 2-3 business days. Customer will receive an SMS notification with the locker PIN upon delivery.
  • Customer should retrieve their order from the selected locker.
  • The item must be picked up within 30 hours of SMS notification. Should there be any difficulties, please directly contact SF Express Customer Service Hotline at 2730 0273.

Change shipping address or delivery method

Once the order is confirmed, the company will deliver it according to the location and method filled in by the customer. If the customer needs to make changes, please check with customer service first. Once an order is confirmed and shipped, it cannot be changed.

In-stock goods

If there is stock, it will be shipped on the same day. However, it is not ruled out that delivery time may be affected by weekends and public holidays or weather conditions.

Pre-order goods

The general booking time for all pre-ordered products is 10-30 working days (excluding public holidays).

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